Douglas' Testimony

I have a testimony of the Savior of the World. I know that he lives and that he atoned for the sins of mankind. I know that through him all men can be saved.

I know that God lives and that he loves us. God has created an eternal plan of happiness through which we all might come to earth, grow, and have the experiences necessary to obtain eternal life. I know that our lives have eternal meaning and purpose.

I know that God, the Eternal Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ, appeared the the boy Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith, acting under divine command, restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth.

I know that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet on the earth today. I sustain him, his councilors, and the quorum of the twelve apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators.

I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is another testament of Jesus Christ, and was brought forth through the power of God.

I know that families can be together forever. Families are central to the plan of our Heavenly Father.

I know these things and promise that the Lord, through the Holy Ghost, will help all who diligently seek to know them as well. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Douglas Scott Stewart

Lydia's Tesimony

My Testimony is the one thing in my life that stands firm in these troubled times. It is the one thing that I am absolutely certain of. I know without a doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I believe that Joseph Smith truly did see Heavenly Father and Jesus. How grateful I am that the truth was restored and that I have at my fingertips the Book of Mormon, the ancient record that the Lord wanted for our times. When I think of the Prophets of Old taking such great pains to chisel into stone those things they felt were precious for our day, I cannot deny that the record is true. I feel such a powerful confirmation of it’s truthfulness each time I earnestly read and study the Book of Mormon. I know it is another witness of Jesus Christ.

I am eternally grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know it is real. I have felt it work in my life and help me to forgive and overcome things that I know I could not have on my own. I know the Lord cares about me. I know he would leave the ninety-and-nine in search of me. I know he loves me and hears me when I call on his name, just as he heard the people of the Brother of Jared when they cried to him for help as the storms raged and the waves tossed them down to the bottom of the ocean. The Lord heard them and lifted them back to the surface and sent them on to the Promise Land. He has done that for me; he has lifted me when I have been down. I know he wants to help and bless me.

I am grateful for the order and organization of the Church. I know it is inspired. I am thankful for the opportunities the Lord gives me to serve. I know we have a true and living Prophet on the earth. I know he is the Lords mouth-piece. I know the temple is the House of the Lord, and that the sealing Priesthood Power allows families to be eternal. I know the Priesthood Power of God is on the earth. I have witnessed through sacred blessings that it is real.

I know that when I keep the commandments I am blessed, often with the happiness that comes from doing what is right. Although I do not fully understand every aspect of the gospel, I have faith that I someday will. This helps me not to worry too much about the things that are not yet clear. I know the Lord is behind all things, and that there is purpose in every thing he does. I know my life is a gift and that there is a plan and purpose for each of us. I am thankful for my body, even thought it is sometimes hard to take care of and control. I am thankful for the great gift of agency, and I pray that the choices I make each day will lead me to my Heavenly Father’s eternal love and happiness. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Lydia Romney Stewart